The importance for customer satisfaction within social media

Levi • 6 minute read • 01/08/2017
Online customer service
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We live in an era where customer satisfaction is of great importance to many organizations, in improving their products and services. Interrogating customer feedback can lead to growth, and innovation within the organization, the main goal of which is achieving optimal customer satisfaction. But why is customer feedback interrogation a necessity for your organization? And how do you tackle this?

The added value of reviews

In a market where switch behaviour is rising in consumers, organizations can define themselves in terms of service and positioning. Accenture’s research shows that 52% of all consumers switch at the moment that the service doesn’t meet their expectations. Therefore, a valid way of gaining insight in your customers’ experiences, is to ask for feedback, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses.

Customer satisfaction research is generally held through phone and via e-mail, yet for many organizations web care is loosing it’s training wheels, and social media is becoming a valid channel for customer contact. A effective way of sketching an image of your all round service, is to measure the satisfaction levels through social media channels


Reviews as a driver of innovation

Using the results of the customer satisfaction research, the services can be optimized. Examples of Cosmo hairstyling and NLE, demonstrate how reviews can be a driver for innovation, and major process improvement.

The service promise from NLE

Within NLE, the role of customer reviews have also gained importance within the business. This was demonstrated during the KSF Expert group on Social Service, covering customer satisfaction through social media and it’s actuality on privacy. NLE views the received feedback daily, to identify where improvement is needed to better meet the customer expectation. For example, The chat option want offline due to over occupation and was immediately, greatly missed by customers. This has now been anticipated, and a larger occupation limit has been met. By investigating feedback, and executing changes based on this feedback during the last couple of months, NPS has achieved higher scores in both traditional customer service and social media.


Want to set it up yourself?

Would you like to start working with customer satisfaction research for your organization? With these 5 tips you can give yourself a head start.

1. Use clear questioning

Ensure that you use the right questioning. For example the question “you reached out to us and we’re curious about what you thought of the contact” can result in instant message replies. Instead of clicking on the link and filling in the research, make sure that you clearly state what is expected of your customer. Do this by adding “let us know via the following link”.

2. The more reviews, the better

Key to starting with the use reviews on your website, is to collect enough reviews. Therefore don’t post the reviews straight after the start, but ensure that you have plenty of reviews to create a believable image about your organization.

3. Use reviews to improve your position within Google

You can use client feedback internally, yet reviews make you accessible within Google. Would you like to get more result from your reviews? Make sure that you use them in Google to optimize your position within the search engine.


4. Incorporate employees into the process

Incorporate employees during the customer satisfaction research. Enlighten them to the fact that you are asking for feedback on the delivered service. Openness and transparency are key to motivating employees to maintain the best results.

5. Don’t be afraid of negative reviews

Don’t be afraid when negative feedback is given by a client. Negative reviews account for credibility. On top of that negative reviews give you reason to fix the problem, and demonstrate to the outside world that you are taking the feedback seriously. Software for executing customer satisfaction research, such as, for example, the software in InSocial, make it possible to instantly place positive feedback online. Whereas negative feedback is put ‘on hold’ to give you an opportunity to fix and resolve it.

Starting the measurement of customer satisfaction through social media

Do you use Spotler Engage for web care? Then it’s possible to send out a customer satisfaction questionnaire to a client with whom you’ve had contact through social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, but also WhatsApp. Spotler Engage has links to multiple parties for this kind of research. Take for example InSocial, Opiness, Kiyoh,, Expoints, and KCM monitor. Would you like to start researching customer satisfaction via social media? We will happily advise you about the possibilities.

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Levi Witbaard
I love to educate and inspire about marketing, customer engagement and chatbots. Always from different angles, which pretty much translates to "making cool people and organizations successful with the latest tools, techniques and tactics."

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